Welcome to Year 3/4
Class Curriculum
- Y3-4 Curriculum Map Autumn Term 1 2022
- Y3-4 Curriculum Map Autumn Term 2 2022
- Y3-4 Curriculum Map Spring Term 1 2023
- Y3-4 Curriculum Map Spring Term 2 2023
- Y3-4 Curriculum Map Summer Term 1 2023
Class Information
- PE will be on Monday afternoon. Children should come to school in their PE kit on that day and ensure any earrings are removed or taped over.
- Please ensure your child’s name is inside all of their uniform including PE kit and shoes.
- All children must bring a water bottle from home and take it home at night to clean and refill. Please label bottles with your child’s name.
- We will be sending reading books home in a plastic reading bag. No other bags are needed at the present time.
- Spelling homework will be sent on Monday and an application task will be administered on Friday to assess the children’s understanding of new spelling patterns. Maths homework will be sent on Friday and should be returned by Wednesday to allow time for marking and new tasks to be set. The new date (when homework is set) will be written in the contents page of the CGP book.