Howletch Lane
Primary School

Curriculum – PE

In this section of the website, you will find information about our approach to teaching Physical Education (PE)  at Howletch Lane Primary School.

Click to view the most current Primary and PE Support Document


Through the teaching of Physical Education at Howletch, and the extensive range of free sport clubs that we offer, we aim to develop the children’s processes of collaboration, coordination, spatial awareness, physical skill, fitness and general wellbeing. The ultimate goal of which is to enable the children to make informed choices about physical activity throughout their lives and to promote physical positive attitudes towards hygiene, fitness and health.    

We provide children with exposure to a variety of different sporting disciplines, including swimming, dance, gymnastics and a wide range of racket and invasion games.  We intend to provide the children with opportunities to take part in competitive sport and games in annual and termly events inside and out of school and for them to compete with a sense of fair play and sportsmanship.     

We believe that P.E. should give all of our children, regardless of ability, an enjoyable experience, which they will continue on into their adult lives.  


Howletch Primary School fully adheres to the aims of the National Curriculum for Physical Education to ensure all children: develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities, are physically active for sustained periods of time, engage in competitive sports and activities and lead healthy, active lives.   

At Howletch Primary School PE is timetabled once a week, but also integrated where possible into other curriculum areas and formal/informal break time activities.   

Cross-Curricular Links 

Opportunities arise during many PE lessons to access and promote learning from other subjects across the school. Some of the examples of this cross-curricular learning include: 

  • Maths – counting skills (keeping score during games, players on a team), fractions (making teams even, dividing playing areas), shape (different equipment used, playing areas, finding open space), time (keeping time during a game, how many seconds left). 
  • English – writing (writing out rules for their game, fine motor skills required for handwriting). 
  • PSHE – empathy (being a good sport, helping others), teamwork (listening and cooperating). 
  • + other links that may be made directly to specific topics and concepts. 

The school have established teams who play in local competitions. Taking part in regional competitions, we pride ourselves on team spirit, especially when cheering on the teams on Sports Day.  

Swimming instruction for KS2-aged children at designated intervals across the school year is allocated. This instruction is provided for by Peterlee Leisure Centre accredited swimming instructors and kept track of using Swimphony (online database). Parents of EYFS, Reception and KS1 children are encouraged to seek safe and assisted swimming opportunities for their child(ren) whenever possible/sensible. 

PE is a vital part of the curriculum and promotes a healthy lifestyle for all of our children encouraging them to be alert and active. Our children regularly note that they thoroughly enjoy all of the stimulating P.E. sessions that are delivered to them (informally and formally on student feedback surveys).  


Physical Education is taught as a basis for lifelong learning, where the children have access to a wide range of activities in the belief that if it is taught well and the children are allowed to succeed, then they will continue to have a physically active life through secondary school, into their adult life. A high-quality physical education curriculum inspires all children to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically demanding activities. At Howletch, we provide opportunities for children to become physical confident in a way which supports their health and fitness. Opportunities to complete in sport builds character and helps to embed values such as fairness and respect.   

Physical Education in the Early Years:  

Physical Education starts as young as Birth, in the name of Physical Development in the Early Years Framework. This is where the child will focus on their balance and different ways of movement, i.e. running, skipping, jumping etc. As well as throwing, catching and kicking large balls and the lead up to being able to hold tools correctly. By the end of Reception, the aim is for children to show good co-ordination and control in both small and large movements, move confidently in a range of ways and handle equipment and tools effectively ready for the transition to Year One, where they will then switch over to the varied KS1 and KS2 PE curricula.   

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