Breakfast Club
Howletch Lane Primary School Breakfast Club is child-centred, inclusive and fun providing a stimulating social environment for children to start their school day. The club promotes healthy eating and gives children the opportunity to make confident choices about a balanced diet.
The Breakfast Club runs Monday to Friday, term time only, from 7.45am until 8.50am and costs £4.00 per session. The children are then taken to their classroom before registration. Children are welcome at any time after 7.45am; breakfast will be available up until 8.20am.
Parents can gain access by pressing the bell marked ‘Breakfast Club’ at the door which leads into the KS2 Hall side door. There is a sign pointing to the room, Children must be accompanied until the breakfast club staff take the child/children in.
Tea Time Club
Howletch Lane Primary School Tea Time Club is child-centred, inclusive and fun, providing a stimulating social environment and light refreshments for children after the school day. It gives parents/carers piece of mind knowing their children are receiving wrap-around care in a familiar environment.
Children will be taken to Teatime Club at the end of the school day and can be collected by parents/carers or a responsible adult (over the age of 16). Teatime Club runs Monday to Friday from the children finishing school until 5.15pm term time only and costs £6.00 per session. Late fees of £3.00 will be charged every 15 minutes after 5.15pm.